Sustainable Goat and Chicken Projects
Who would guess that owning a goat could make such a difference in the life of a family? Goats multiply quickly, providing goats to sell at the market, which can be a source of sustainable income and food for a family as they are raised, bred, sold. Goats are easily fed, and in the mountains of Haiti, few predators are found.
The gift of a goat means so much to a family that struggles to find or purchase food. It helps the families be more independent and self-sufficient, providing a crucial sense of dignity. Those who receive goats will pass on that goat's offspring to others in the community, supplying food and income far beyond the initial gift.
How the project works: For $100 (U.S.), a female goat is purchased and given to a family who is trained in basic care. That goat is bred, and the first kid is kept by the family; eventually, the family will be able to give back baby goats to CNH, per the agreement, to restock the community herd, and other families will benefit from the program. Male goats are sold, and the money is used to purchase additional female goats and to help pay a specialist to take care of the goats making sure they are maintained properly, are healthy, and have the needed vaccinations.
With the help of generous donors and sponsors, we have the process in place and are providing goats to families in Dos-Palais. You can help us make a difference in a poverty-stricken family for a lifetime by taking action now.
Give the gift that promotes stability, independence, self-sufficiency, and dignity. Give a goat Now!

The chicken project is a cost-effective way to give immediate help to a Haitian family. Chicken are easily raised and provide both food and possible income for the family. A sustainable income helps families become independent and develop a crucial sense of dignity.
With the help of some generous donors and sponsors, we have started providing chickens to families in Dos-Palais. You can help us make a difference for a lifetime by taking action now.
For $50 (U.S.), a hen and rooster will be given to a family along with training in basic care. The children especially enjoy learning how to care for the chicken and the eggs that are laid.
The parents learn to guide the children in how to gather the eggs and get the chickens ready to sell in the local markets.
Your generous donation can help us make a difference in the life of one family at a time. It may sound small, but such a gift helps a family in Dos-Palais immensely.
Do not hesitate, make a donation to the Chicken Project today and touch the life of a family forever.